The 9 Best Sites to Get Web Design Page Templates Free 2022

You are ready to start your web site, but realice that you don’t have a good template for you requirements and ideas. Here in this article you will find the best 10 web sites where you can get the template with design that you need your company website that’s you are looking for. Tons of templates from you can choose the exactly you are waitng for.

Just need to go this website and download your choice. Why? it is totally free, YES! all 10 web sites I’ll show here are totally free. You’ll find templates of themes of wordpress and others free templates for others platforms or techologies like bootstrap, css, js, etc.

This is your time, take advantage of this good opportunity and Download the largest collection of website templates, designs and themes for free. Over thousands of website design ideas for your inspiration. All are designed with responsive technology to offer your users the best experience on any devives.

Web Design and Development

At this moment, web design and development websites, are growing so fast. After pandemic, more companies are going to internet to start up virtual stores or improve their old design stores. As you know, internet industry change every day. More devices access to internet and the websites have to ready to receive all kind of request from Tablets, Smartphones, or laptops.

Today, on pandemic times, people is more responsible and prefer don’t expose on plublic places to catch the virus. At now, many people buy more products and services by internet on e-stores, and receive theirs products at home. This is reason for Web design and development websites are increasing his incomes just lawst two years.

Get Templates for Free

A one way to reduce costs is get the open source code of templates for different platforms in yoo could be developong your website. And just I told you above, we are showing you right now the web address of the 10 best companies and web sites than offer a big group of templates free. Some times this companies offer a small version of templates, whit the intention of offer you a version pro when your company growing up and need more options on your website.

But if you don’t need any upgrade these templates are perfect for you for long. Let me start to show you the list and a small brief of each web site:

The first of my list is Colorlib, this site offers website templates that are ready to use for any website. They offer HTML & Bosststrap Templates. All of their templates come whit contact form, bright color palettes and modern design. Obviously their templates are for pay. But they offer free templates for WordPress Themes.

They offer more than 50 categories of themes for different kind of business and industries. offer 3 interesting links of free css templates, menus and layouts and 2 links to help you to improve your design by yourself offer, a link for css reference and for css resources. Their offer a link to Premium css templates.

Their core is offer layouts based on css sheets, by the way promote the use of this technology. As you can see on his website, they are offering these free links:

  • You allow Free CSS Templates
  • Reach Free CSS Layouts
  • Get Free CSS Menus
  • Have Free CSS Reference
  • Free CSS Resources

The most important point is they offer 3247 free website templates at this moment. Remember they are improving this number everyday.

The main reason to offer this big amount of free website templates, it must be thaht they have a free designer and developer subscription to they upload their own templates with free license.

You can use this templates, layouts and menu in your php, java, aspnet or another kind of project.

I leave you this link to you to start to download the website templates that you need: is a website that offer free website templates, based in different technologies, Bootstrap, HMTL5, CSS Layout.

They have a section where you can reach the latest HTML Templates (, they are only made on HTML based on custom CSS layout. The templates are easy to modify due only need to change the styles sheet. They are totally responsive templates, adaptable to any size screen and device.

In supply different kinds of templates to several industries like, medic care, Marketing Agency, Blogs, Stores, Restaurants and more. One important thing is almost all templates are SEO Friendly. But in general, the templates are designed on bootstrap, CSS animations and HTML5 technologies.

Only need a click bellow to allowed to all benefits of this website:

Another really extreme website to get website templates is It offer a high quality HTML website templates created using Bootstrap framework technology. Using Bootstrap standards you can build your website easy and fast. It is a good solution that can help you to launch a website in lower time than other templates.

The website templates made with bootstrap are affordable and can be easily edited even if you have very low knowledge of web development. You not to be an expert designer in bootstrap to understand the code of these templates it so easy, can make changes to template by yourself.

The bootstrapmade website templates are very easy to use and customize. The css, javascript code and files are well organized and structured, allowing you to start your project quickly.

One important advantage of bootstrap templates that they are modern, 100% full responsive, to improve the user experience. Besides, they look beautiful on every device (any screen size is aloowed).

Another advantage, they work on all devices, laptops, tablets or mobile phones. You can reach these amazing website templates on this web address: offers a online solution to create and design your website template by your own. This solution is called Website Builder. When you create your template, just save and publish it on the webhosting from offer a bundle of services that you should have to take in advantage. I mean, after you designed your template, websitr host it on your assigned plan and thats all. Your website are finish and working for you.

You also can choose some free templates from the platform to create your website, avoiding create and design your template by yourself. It allow you go so fast with the construction of your website. And you win time to customize your info into template.

Mobirise is a free web application that you can download and work offline to develop your web desing and create your own template or get one from the extend free library. Also you can buy special premiums templates from mobirise store.

You can download the free software from the homepage ( form windows or Mac. Create your own designs, create the website menu, structure and organize your website. I mean you can customize everthing on mobirise application.The best of all, it is free, if you do not a webhosting and domain you can get till 3 subdomains on

This company offer cut the time of development with his drag-and-drop software. They said it is more efficient using a blocks technique. It allow you to drop the block into design and edit content inline so quick.

Mobirise software, design your website SEO Friendly, with bootstrap 5 and css f

This a website store, offer web templates for wordpress, You can download free themes and can buy premium themes too. There are many categories from you can choose your prefer styles to your new project or for your website company.

You have 48 categories where you choose a template design to buy it of your convinience. To go to free themes just click from home the option “Free WordPress Themes” and you’ll be accesing to more than 25 free themes to allow the best theme to your website.

This is another way to find more templates to your new website project. Don’t forget you can buy one if you prefer. There are tons of wordpress themes waiting for you. Don’t worry FAQ give you all of information that you need to download free themes or buy a special template.

Do you need more adobe resources? Don’t look more, here you can find a lot of free psd and free illustrator files to improve your designs. Freebiesbug also has sketch, fonts and code stuff free for you. Beside, more images has the possibility of download in several versions like Figma, PSD, Sketch and whatever.

You can subscribe to its newsletter to noticed about new pictures and templates on the website. It has more than 116 website templates free, ready to download. All templates are so easy to customized, don’t need to be an expert on programmer skills. Just need to know Photoshop.

New On Freebiesbug

The company are offering 2 new areas, Free Stock photos and Landing page inspirations.

  • The first one show you a portafolio of images organize by categories like: Nature, City & Architecture, People, Animals, Foos, Technology and many more. A lot of photos showed here are old fachioned. This new option is in charge of, new proiect of
  • The New second option is Landing Page Inspiration, it shows you a lot of templates to you perfect landing page to your website or for your campaingns. You have tons of ideas to design toy landing according to new tendencies and styles.

Remember, Freebies is a project curated by Pasquale Vitiello. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Behance is a ideal portal for all designers, created by Adobe, offer free templates for many kind of themes like, architerue, publicity, webdesign, photography, 3D Animation, and many more. You can sign up for free, sign in and follow the best masters of color and design within.

They offer life tutorials, and artists portafolio into the platform. You can interact with people there and make work collaborative between your friends or coworkers. They offer job vacancies too.

Behance is a complete tool to get many design info and free templates of course. Don’t stop taking a look. I’ll leave you the link below Template&sort=recommended

Following the line of web design with software, I found It offer free website design, for different OS, like Windows, Mac, and special online design service. Just nicepage kick off the ultimate freehand, Web Design 3.0. The third version of his website builder software. This version es totally mobile-friendly and you don’t need coding nothing to design your templates and themes.

The big difference with mobirise is this company considering plugins to adapt in perfect conditions the web layout created on the app. They are developed plugin to WordPress and Joomla Extension, to fit in the best way your design on WordPress and Joomla in excellent way.

You can download the software on your desktop depending of your OS. This software comes with elements to use on your onw design like carrousells, Blocks of pay, sections, icons and many more, more than 200 elements are ready to use on your design with web design 3.0. The software can design on 3 differente platforms: HTML, WordPress and Joomla.

Also you can find on the more than 8500 free WordPress Themes sorted in different categories.

Some Tips for your Web Design Project

  • A great web design needs to be able to entice many visitors to the website and has to rank high in search engine success. It should be accessible to all. It will provide an intuitive navigation system for people to find their way around your website.
  • There are numerous web designers who wish to enhance their web designing skills. The plan of the front page should make people wish to keep taking a look at your website and make them familiar with what it is you’re selling.
  • A great site design isn’t almost applying beautiful colors together with piecing together your navigation menus. Therefore, an excellent site design is accessible in various sorts of contemporary devices.
  • Designing a site is a complicated activity which needs an exhaustive comprehension of the procedure and any agency employed should have the ability to translate your business’s Internet aspirations into reality.
  • If you aren’t knowledgeable about designing websites, you can miss some important elements for getting your site seen. It is crucial for a website to be designed effectively.
  • Nothing to be ashamed of, designing a site isn’t a simple point to learn. It can make certain that your website is built in such a manner it maximizes the high ranking abilities of search engines including Google.
  • A web site is an affordable and efficient means to market your company and obtain new leads.
  • A personalized website can be one that’s equipped to modify The site development will incorporate the marketing of the site and the accession of new content.


  • I showed you the best 9 options to allow web design templates with different kinds of technologies, according the last tendencies of web design around the world.
  • Bootstrap, css, html5 are the most used cunrrently offering a good user experience. These technologies allow to programmers and designers build their website full responsive.
  • is the unique software free that you have to design your templates hurry up. Can buy blocks and templates from special offer on this website.
  • Adobe offer a a platform where you can make work collaborative, offer your designs and buy and download free some templates for your webdesign.
  • Get Web Design Page Templates free on these web address and enjoy the best free templates from the internet. You’ll get advantages against competitors using all of theses tools on your projects.

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